Monday, 27 April 2009
Bacteria vaginosis was the bane of my life for many years, until I found a BV treatment that actually worked. It took me most of my adult life to recognize that a herbal remedy, and a specific one at that, was all that worked. For me, anyway.
I am one of the fortunate women who actually present BV symptoms. Most females in the USA and Europe have no idea when they have bacteria vaginosis. That may not appear to be terribly important, but it can be.
People can and do die from complications arising from the spread of vaginitis from the vagina to the womb and fallopian tubes. The risk of a secondary infection resulting from BV post surgery on the uterus is very high. Many surgeons strongly advise a course of BV treatment before any kind of surgical intervention.
Never be fooled by classy branding and packaging. The top selling brands all eliminate BV short term, along with all the good bacteria contained within the vaginal flora, but never rid it for good. The obvious alternative is a herbal BV treatment, and that is what I tried.
The first three or four remedies seemed to make no difference whatsoever. They all claimed to kick in within a few hours, unlike antibiotics which take several days. But, to me, they seemed less than truthful about what they said. The pharma concoctions were even worse. I tried clindamycin phosphate, tinidazole and metronidazole. They were all useless and futile.
Bacterial vaginosis gone for ever got everything right within about a week. There were no no more itching and smelly symptoms. I began to enjoy sex again with my husband (and so did he!) and didn't hold any anxieties about future pregnancies or cervical and uterus surgery.
Check it all out when you have the time.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
BV Treatment Runs Riot In The US
by Sara Mayes
- . - the best downloadable book on the net - . -
I struggled to find the right BV treatment for over 8 years. I experimented, at my doctor's advice with various antibiotic solutions, such as clindamycin phosphate, tinidazole and metronidazole. My bacterial vaginosis kept recurring and my body's normal defense against other infections weakened each time I took another course.
I do not mean to say that pharmaceutical prescriptions will never work as BV treatment. They just were not right for me. Short term they were fine. But then it came back. The itching and noxious odor would not go away. Even the best selling brand did no good.
For me, I was lucky. Most women have no idea when they have vaginitis. They display none of the vaginal symptoms I did. Medical science does not even know what is the true cause of a bacterial vagina infection. But there are natural remedies which do work, well they helped me, and they are not due to the placebo effect.
The gripe I have with antibiotic treatment is that it kills off all bacteria, beneficial and non-beneficial. Gardnerella is the real problem as it attacks the natural lactic flora of the vagina. But it is a natural bacterial constituent of the vaginal makeup, normally kept in check by good bacteria, lactobacilli.
Modern drugs kill everything, whereas a natural BV treatment regenerates and fortifies lactobacilli which in turn subdues the bad bacteria. That way, you have a normal working vagina once more. It is actually quite simple, isn't it?
A home remedy BV treatment is discrete, has no side effects and can be employed as often as you like. A decent manual costs under $40 and the herbs less than $15 for a full two-week course. If it doesn't work for you, very little has been lost.
Plus, there are no worries about being embarrassed in front of your doctor. Friends and family don't need to know either. Not just that, you also start to increase your body's immunity to other harmful infections, not just vaginitis.
There is robust evidence for the efficacy of a natural BV treatment. Scientific clinical trials that people can be easily fooled by flashy packaging, when the active ingredients in a herbal remedy are actually more beneficial to health than a synthetic drug.
To put it in a nutshell, why not use a remedy that lets your body get on with its natural healing process? It is a long term benefit which fights germs the way they need tackling. Use it now!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
USA Goes Nuts For Natural BV Treatment
It has become very difficult to discern good and bad BV treatment. There are no end of medications promoted by drug stores. Most women, if they show symptoms, go to their doctor who almost invariably prescribes a course of antibiotics.
BV Symptoms and Complications
I repeat, if they do actually present symptoms. The majority of sufferers do not even know they have a bacterial imbalance of the vagina. That is fine if the condition has no complications. Bacterial vaginosis does; very serious ones. It can easily lead to infertility if it spreads to the uterus and/or fallopian tubes.
It is interesting to note that almost half of obstetricians in the U.S. now advise a BV treatment before any kind of surgery on the womb. Normally that means a hysterectomy or an abortion, although other surgical interventions fall into this category.
Modern BV Treatment
Over the counter medications cost a fortune and antibiotics drag down general health and are becoming less and less effective. Neither is the type of remedy you would want to take on a regular basis to ensure you were free from vaginitis.
Herbal Advantages
A good herbal BV treatment is entirely different. Not only will it address the bacterial imbalance in the vagina, it will also boost good bacteria throughout the body. It can be taken every day if that is what you want. Unlike any other form of BV treatment, it has absolutely no side effects.
The bacterial flora of the vagina are quite a complex mixture. Bad bacteria include mobiluncus, peptostreptococcus, prevotella bivia, prevotella disiens and porphyromonas. They can be labeled together as anaerobes. Vaginal vaginosis occurs when the good bacteria, lactobacilli, reduce in numbers and strength to the point where they can not keep the anaerobes in check.
BV Recurrence
Antibiotics and similar remedies simply kill the entire flora, for a period of time. Normally what happens is that the underlying problem recurs. Given a few weeks or months and the BV is back again. The root cause is never confronted. It is a case of getting rid of the short-term symptoms, if you have any!
To ensure that no complications arise in a specific situation, a brief dose of antibiotics perhaps makes sense. But with a probable 32% of women walking around with undiagnosed vaginitis, pharmaceuticals are no answer at all.
A recommended natural BV treatment in the form of a natural home remedy makes excellent sense.
Monday, 20 April 2009
BV Treatment Comes of Age in the Modern Era
BV treatment comes in entirely natural remedies. With the help of herbs, with none of the dangers and side effects of antibiotics, BV treatment can be swift, effective and cheap. In fact, I would never opt for anything other than an entirely natural solution. Clinicians have had their way for far too long with quick fix pharmaceutical answers to a number of bacterial infections which they can still not find a cause for.
In my opinion, by far and away the best guide for BV treatment so far published is:
Try the link and see what you think. If you don't think much of it, let me know. You get a 60 day, no quibbles, guarantee, anyway. So there is nothing to lose.
There exists a plethora of medications promoted by health-care professionals and manufactured by pharmaceutical companies with household names for bacterial vaginosis cures, but not a single one will deal with the primary factor in the development of vaginitis.
I should know, because I tried almost all of them, including the top two brands. They all worked very short term, but then the BV returned. And I just happened to display symptoms, so I knew I needed help. Most women don't.
With a combination of the correct herbs, mixed the right way and taken in the right doses, anaerobes will be reduced by lactoballici getting stronger and fighting them off. Although the true instigation of vaginitis is yet to be determined, it is known that vaginosis is a simple bacterial imbalance in the vagina.
Herbs worked perfectly as a BV treatment because they naturally increase and fortify beneficial bacteria, giving them the opportunity to destroy the surplus of bad bacteria. It is very, very simple and extremely effective. A sound home remedy will see off vaginal bacteria for good.
In fact, it is a prudent idea to take a home remedy at least once a year. Why? Because most women are unaware when they have this complaint. They display no symptoms whatsoever. Most women do not get that fishy odor on discharge after sex and are entirely oblivious to the problem.
That may not seem a big deal, but it will if your fallopian tubes and/or uterus become infected. That can lead to infertility and ectopic pregnancies. Those are complications no woman would want to face.
Further details about BV treatment can be found on this blog at BV treatment guides.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
BV Treatment
The BV treatment ebook above is simply the best I have tested by quite some way.
Click on it for more details.
Two other excellent BV treatment options for comparison
here and here.
BV can cause considerable discomfort, not to mention embarrassment. More women suffer from this problem than any other bacterial medical condition. In fact, it is actually a good thing if you get BV symptoms. Most women do not realize they have it and BV treatment is critical. If it isn't remedied bacterial vaginosis can lead to dreadful complications such as PID which can cause infertility and to an ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening.
It can often be quite bewildering when several courses of antibiotics fail to cure the condition. They also seldom cure vaginitis for good, while depleting the body's immune system for the duration of each course.
A natural BV treatment, on the other hand, uses the most up to date herbal remedies. Medical science agrees that in just the past few years they have advanced almost beyond belief as far as effectiveness in permanent eradication of BV is concerned. A herbal BV treatment has no side effects. It acts naturally to increase the good bacteria (lactobacilli) which in turn reduce the bad bacteria (anaerobes).
In fact, because BV so often goes unnoticed, it is a good idea to take a BV treatment of herbs on a periodic basis and especially during pregnancy. Even if BV is not present, it will boost the immune system generally by fortifying the good bacteria in the body as a whole.
Nowadays, more doctors and more women themselves are opting for a natural remedy to clear bacterial vaginosis. I would strongly recommend any medical practitioner and anyone suffering from BV or thrush to check the alternative remedies available today. Some of them are listed above. Bacterial vaginosis, or bacterial vaginitis if you prefer, is easy to get rid of and prevent.
A natural cure is now generally accepted by the medical fraternity as more effective than antibiotics or other modern BV treatments for clearing and preventing bacterial vaginosis as well as candida. Natural remedies have no unwanted side effects, so they can be tried without even referring to a medical practitioner. They are also cheaper, save time and complications.
Many women now opt to self-diagnose and apply the appropriate remedy for a few days to establish if their diagnosis was correct. If bv is eliminated, it must be candida etc.
BV Treatment Home Remedy
BV treatment is essential, especially for pregnant women. Ther are ways of reducing the risk of having BV. If it does occur you need to know some facts before embarking on a home remedy.
The CDC has some good information, as ever.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the name of a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. It is sometimes accompanied by discharge, odor, pain, itching, or burning.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women of childbearing age. In the United States, BV is common in pregnant women.
The cause of BV is not fully understood. BV is associated with an imbalance in the bacteria that are normally found in a woman's vagina. The vagina normally contains mostly "good" bacteria, and fewer "harmful" bacteria. BV develops when there is an increase in harmful bacteria.
Not much is known about how women get BV. There are many unanswered questions about the role that harmful bacteria play in causing BV. Any woman can get BV. However, some activities or behaviors can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina and put women at increased risk including:- Having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners,
- Douching
It is not clear what role sexual activity plays in the development of the condition. Women do not get BV from toilet seats, bedding, swimming pools, or from touching objects around them. Women who have never had sexual intercourse may also be affected.
Women with BV may have an abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. Some women report a strong fish-like odor, especially after intercourse. Discharge, if present, is usually white or gray; it can be thin. Women with BV may also have burning during urination or itching around the outside of the vagina, or both. However, most women with BV report no signs or symptoms at all.
Are There Bacterial Vaginosis Complications?
In most cases, BV causes no complications. But there are some serious risks from BV including:
Having BV can increase a woman's susceptibility to HIV infection if she is exposed to the HIV virus.
Having BV increases the chances that an HIV-infected woman can pass HIV to her sex partner.
Having BV has been associated with an increase in the development of an infection following surgical procedures such as a hysterectomy or an abortion.
Having BV while pregnant may put a woman at increased risk for some complications of pregnancy, such as preterm delivery.
BV can increase a woman's susceptibility to other STDs, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy
Pregnant women with BV more often have babies who are born premature or with low birth weight (low birth weight is less than 5.5 pounds).
The bacteria that cause BV can sometimes infect the uterus (womb) and fallopian tubes (tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus). This type of infection is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID can cause infertility or damage the fallopian tubes enough to increase the future risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition in which a fertilized egg grows outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube which can rupture.
A health care provider must examine the vagina for signs of BV and perform laboratory tests on a sample of vaginal fluid to look for bacteria associated with BV.
Although BV will sometimes clear up without treatment, all women with symptoms of BV should be treated to avoid complications. Male partners generally do not need to be treated. However, BV may spread between female sex partners.
BV treatment is especially important for pregnant women. All pregnant women who have ever had a premature delivery or low birth weight baby should be considered for a BV examination, regardless of symptoms, and should be treated if they have BV. All pregnant women who have symptoms of BV should be checked and treated.
Some physicians recommend that all women undergoing a hysterectomy or abortion be treated for BV prior to the procedure, regardless of symptoms, to reduce their risk of developing an infection.
BV is treatable with antibiotics prescribed by a health care provider. Two different antibiotics are recommended as treatment for BV: metronidazole or clindamycin. Either can be used with non-pregnant or pregnant women, but the recommended dosages differ. Women with BV who are HIV-positive should receive the same treatment as those who are HIV-negative.
BV can recur after treatment.
Preventing Bacterial Vaginosis
BV is not completely understood by scientists, and the best ways to prevent it are unknown. However, it is known that BV is associated with having a new sex partner or having multiple sex partners.
The following basic prevention steps can help reduce the risk of upsetting the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina and developing BV:
Be abstinent.
Limit the number of sex partners.
Do not douche.
Use all of the medicine prescribed for treatment of BV, even if the signs and symptoms go away.
Home remedies are now acknowledged as the best form of BV treatment. Your BV treatment home remedy is here.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection
The BV treatment ebook above is simply the best I have tested by quite some way.
Click on it for more details.
Two other excellent options for comparison
here and here.
BV, yeast infection and candida can all cause considerable discomfort, not to mention embarrassment. More women suffer from these problems than perhaps any other medical condition. They can often be quite bewildering, especially when several courses of antibiotics still fail to cure the condition.
Nowadays, more doctors and more women themselves are opting for a natural remedy to clear bacterial vaginosis, candida and yeast infection. I would strongly recommend any medical practitioner and anyone suffering from BV or thrush to check the alternative remedies available today. Some of them are listed above. Bacterial vaginosis, or bacterial vaginitis if you prefer, is easy to get rid of and prevent.
A natural cure is now generally accepted by the medical fraternity as more effective than antibiotics or other modern treatments for clearing and preventing bacterial vaginosis as well as candida. Natural remedies have no unwanted side effects, so they can be tried without even referring to a medical practitioner. They are also cheaper, save time and complications.
Many women now opt to self-diagnose and apply the appropriate remedy for a few days to establish if their diagnosis was correct. If bv is eliminated, it must be candida etc.